If not the soul then the heart

Keith and his staff do a great job of keeping us informed. Information you can't get anywhere else

Editor, The Times:

Regarding a recent letter in your paper concerning whether the Times was the soul of Clearwater. Let’s not argue about semantics.

Maybe it’s not the soul. Maybe is the heart of the community. It’s always pumping out information to all the extremities of the body. The news is the blood. The paper keeps us informed. It’s like the town crier of days gone by.

I love the question of the week – where else can you see your neighbours and friends expressing their opinion on important subjects. How about that world class editorial cartoon? Back in Time? Obituary?

Keith and his staff do a great job of keeping us informed. Information you can’t get anywhere else.

You’ll often see Keith out late at night with his camera and you know there’s going to be pictures of some significant event; minor hockey league tournament, town council meeting, a spelling bee fundraiser – a million and one things. The Times are the eyes, ears and voice.

Instead of trying to put a name on it we should just be very thankful we have such an excellent newspaper. I know the body known as Kamloops wish they had one!

ps. sign me up for a subscription

David Billy Sager


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times