If you move again, food bank, tell media so your clients can know

Dear editor,

I am one of the fortunate ones who don't require the services of the Comox Valley Food Bank.

Dear editor,

I am one of the fortunate ones who don’t require the services of the Comox Valley Food Bank.

However I have friends who do.

On the last Thursday of each month they carpool up to the food bank to receive their meagre but much-appreciated monthly allotment of food.

Imagine their surprise when they drove up to the usual place on July 26 only to find the place boarded up with no explanation. My friends later found out that the food bank was closed and would be reopening at a new but not-disclosed location sometime the next week.

Now due to the fact that my friends have the use of a vehicle this was not too much of an inconvenience to them (except for going hungry for a further week) but for others who walk or spend the last of their welfare pittance on bus fare with kids straggling alongside, this must have been a nightmare.

I’m glad the food bank has found new facilities, but It might have been a wise idea to notify the media of this before moving rather than after. The only things I have read in the local papers were articles in each in the Aug. 3 editions. A bit late for many of your customers, I’m afraid.

To the wonderful people who work and volunteer at the food bank, keep up the excellent work. But, heaven forbid you should have to relocate again. Please for your clientele’s sake, drop the media a note beforehand.

Sarah Paddock,


Comox Valley Record