If you want change, vote

In this super extended version of a federal election it seems that one issue has dominated: strategic voting, says letter writer.

To the Editor,

In this super extended version of a federal election it seems that one issue has dominated: strategic voting.

This isn’t new.

We heard it in 2011 as well, but this time it seems to have reached a fever pitch and I admit to getting caught up in it as well.

However, after many hours of consideration and study I’ve found that there seems to be one thing that a massive number of Canadians agree on thanks to the last four years of destructive and disturbing Harper governance.

People want a change in government.

That is a key difference from last time.

If every one of those people voted for that change it would be impossible for the Conservative party to form government.

What’s more, instead of worrying about calculations and best chances and next times, people could simply vote for the change they want to see.

That sounds like a much easier sell to the legions of non-voters, who are the ones truly holding the keys to 24 Sussex, than the current strategy that only appeals to the hyper-politically aware.

Chris Alemany,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News