‘I’m embarrassed to be a Langley City resident’

City has no business fining Kevin Steele for not having his dog on a leash.

Editor: I have lived in the City of Langley for more than 40 years and this is the first time that I have been embarrassed to say that I live here.

Times’ reporter Dan Ferguson’s report on the frankly stupid and heartless act of fining a resident for not leashing his service dog, and the subsequent statement by the City’s corporate officer that “she would have to see what the dog’s owner presented as proof that the dog is a service animal  before she could accept it” is frankly beyond the pale.

When exactly did common sense abandon city hall?

When exactly did a sense of fairness abandon the highly-paid people we employ?

When did this City become so heartless and detached from its community? This type of incident would not have happened in past years. The City has not grown a great deal, so what has changed?

Why does a citizen of this community have to go to the media and the Human Rights Tribunal to seek redress for an incident that should never have happened? Where is the apology that Kevin Steele so richly deserves from City staff and their elected employers.

One can only hope that simple justice prevails, that second thought still exists somewhere in the closets of city hall, and that this incident is only an isolated lapse of judgement.

Let’s see if any of our elected officials publicly step up to right this shameful situation. My guess is they won’t. I hope I am wrong.

Don Woode,

Langley City

Langley Times