Important to gradually densify near existing Langley Township facilities

Focus building of new homes near existing schools and bus routes. Do not bulldoze acres of forest and pasture in the middle of nowhere.

Editor: The front page of The Times (Oct. 2), with the “No money for schools” story, highlights how dumb Langley’s development process is. The article basically stated that our highly-paid planners  never considered that when thousands of homes are built on what was once a forest, these same homes would be bought by people who have kids, and these same kids would grow up and need to go to school.

Now, the idea is to bus kids from where they live (in what was once a forest)  to schools in older areas of Langley that need kids. Great, that is real Earth-friendly.

When these highly-paid Township staff went to university, did they all skip Urban Planning/Demographics 101?

“They” like to make it all complicated, yet it can be real simple:

1 — No development unless you have a legally-binding 20-year capital plan for education.

2 — Focus building of new homes near existing schools and bus routes. In other words, do not bulldoze acres of forest and pasture in the middle of nowhere, until you have looked at every way possible to gradually densify near things you already have.

Mike McPhee,


Langley Times