Improving relations in Burns Lake

Editor: Open letter to RCMP, all aboriginal band councils, all the various governments and all businesses in Burns Lake.


Open letter to RCMP, all aboriginal band councils, all the various governments and all businesses in Burns Lake.

This letter is a suggestion to improve public relations between the various factions and also a way of giving family fun time. When I first moved here to Burns Lake in the early 1980s there used to be weekly soft ball games between the various factions and I thought it was a great way of everyone to get together. The ball park could be reopened and put some bleachers around for the families and other residents to sit and watch the friendly games. Also there could be a hot dog/hamburger stand that also sold popcorn, peanuts, chips, soda pop, various juices, lemonade, coffee and tea and the team that was declared as the home team would run and collect the profits and the RCMP and various governments would donate to their favorite charities / the various bands could use their profits for their band or their charity of their choice and the businesses could do the same.

On weekdays there could be a game or two, on weekends there could be a double or triple header on Saturdays and Sundays also there could be invites to other towns put out so as to invite the other communities from Fraser Lake to Hazelton etc. so as to have some real competition games where they could come to Burns Lake or our Burns Lake teams could go to their towns and at the end of the season there could be trophies for the top teams.

Also I am sure the kids would love to be out cheering on their father’s and mother’s in the friendly games teaching them respect for each other.

Phil Mate

A retired resident of this gorgeous town that would just truly love to see everyone get along with each other as Burns Lake is truly the centre of God’s garden and we are all here to take care of it and be truly respectful of each other and I am certain it saddens his heart to see his children fight and argue with one another.


Burns Lake Lakes District News