In favour

Letter writer endorses plan for sports complex at college

Is it a surprise that there is opposition to the track and sports facility? Look at the main reasons  for opposition.

So, the property tax bill will rise by $15 a year. That’s less than a cup of coffee a month.

Most sports facilities and organizations in our country were built by citizens providing hours of time and cash support, especially in the years after the war.

Why would anyone refuse to do such a small small part now to provide for the youth of Vernon and area?

The Kin Race Track is a better location? This may be true, but it will be tied up in litigation for years as previous councils did not secure a time limit on its use.

When available, there will probably be other uses assigned, uses that will not require filling marshland or purchase of active farm land.

Polson Park has an oval, but it is unusable most of the year as you could break an ankle or sink to the knees in mud. Many trees would have to be removed to make a minimally acceptable sports complex in the park.

For the second time, land has been offered at minimal cost for a sports complex in the Vernon area. How can we refuse to provide the young and young-at-heart as well, as the many organizations in the city a place to exercise outdoors, train to specific sports, play on a year-round field, hold major events, and to bring people into the city to ultimately reduce tax burden on properties?

All we need to do is finance it one cup at a time. Please vote yes to support the track and sports facility.

Brian Burnet



Vernon Morning Star