Religious or not, you can always send positive vibes out into the world. (Special to The News)

Religious or not, you can always send positive vibes out into the world. (Special to The News)

IN IT TOGETHER: Send positive thoughts to family, friends, strangers, even pets

Maple Ridge mom offers series of wellness columns aimed at helping navigate through COVID-19

By Alex Bruce/Special to The News

As science class taught us, everything on this planet has energy.

From rivers and rocks, to people and thoughts, our entire galaxy boils down to energy in motion at varying speeds.

If thoughts have energy, it’s reasonable to assume that positive thoughts create positive energy.

This energy then permeates in our mind and body before it is released to do good in this world.

Sending positive thoughts to yourself or others makes us feel good, and when we feel good, we do good.

Whether my students are five or 95, the general consensus is that this exercise in particular is especially heartwarming.

Closing your eyes if it’s comfortable (or just downcast if you prefer), think of a person or pet that you care about deeply.

Bring them to your mind’s eye.

Think about what you love about this person or animal, and why they are special to you.

We are going to send them four wishes.

The first is, “I wish for you to be happy.”

Imagine this person or pet so happy. What would the look on their face be when they are infused with so much happiness?

Say it as many times as you like, either silently or out loud, as you imagine them receiving this happiness.

The next is “I wish for you to be healthy.”

Imagine health coursing through every single cell of their body. What would they look like if they were in perfect health? Imagine seeing them full of vitality, fitness, and wellness.

Feel this wish reaching from inside of you to inside of them.

Imagine the stronger that you send it, the stronger they receive it.

Now, “I wish for you to be peaceful.”

Imagine them with a peaceful look on their face, their life serene and beautiful.

What would they feel like? What would their life be like? Imagine this for them with every molecule in your body to every molecule in their body.

Finally, “I wish for you to be free from suffering.”

What would that be like for this person or animal that you love?

Imagine that your wish reaches them, what would that look like? Now stay with this for as long as you like and repeat any other phrases that you wish to send to them.

When you are done, stay with yourself for a few moments.

How do you feel sending those wishes to them?

How does your heart feel?

How does your mind feel?

How do you physically feel?

If it feels good, invite yourself to memorize what feeling good feels like.

Imagine that you are storing “feeling good” in your body for you to draw from at any time.

If it feels right to you, consider extending these wishes out to others.

Consider sending these wishes out to your family, friends, neighbours, and coworkers.

Consider sending them to all of the people in the world who are ill right now and all the people who are doing their best to make them better.

Consider sending these thoughts out to everyone on the planet and to the planet itself.

It can’t hurt and it can only ever do good – to you, to them, and to the world.


• Join us on Facebook at and post your pictures depicting your journey. Share your creativity during these times and be sure to include names, ages, and details for an opportunity to be highlighted in a future article.


FIRST COLUMN: Maple Ridge woman offers series of wellness tips amid COVID crisis

2nd: We mammals are in this together and will thrive together

3rd: Trying something new can help

4th: Celebrating inclusion in team humanity

5th: Learning to learn at home

6th: Take good care of yourself, so you can care for others

7th: Important to move your butt

8th: Join together in sharing gratitude for Canadians

9th: Ponder a mini vacation and make the best of what’s happening

10th: Taking time to focus on the good in your world

11th: Keeping the faith will make us all stronger in the end

12th: Picturing yourself strong

13th: Taking a few deep breaths

14th: Smile at life and share it around

15th: Naming emotions help free people from those feelings


– Alex Bruce is a health and wellness author and accredited meditation and mindfulness instructor, and this is excerpt from her: “Let’s Be Calm: The Mental Health Handbook for Surviving and Thriving Through Pandemic”


• Stay tuned tomorrow for the next COVID-19: In It Together column


• If there is more to this column, please let us know about it. Email us at We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

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