In memorium

Motorcycle riders pay tribute to a friend with a special cortege

En route to our neighbour’s funeral by car, Grace and I had the serendipity experience of bringing up the rear of a cortege of motorcycles in tight formation flying down the streets in grandest display honouring the life of a fallen member.

He was a comrade whose life extolled the code of a close-knit  organization of like-minded individuals.

Such esprit de corps (that spirit existing in the members of a group inspiring enthusiasm, devotion and strong regard for the honour of the group) is a rare thing nowadays.

So kudos to all of you riders.

We have seen your honour and it is of a noble standard.

Ronald Sebastian “Butch” Gompf, repose in peace.

Blessed to be called neighbour, we are.

Norm and Grace Kramer



Vernon Morning Star