In memory of Stanley Tyers

This past March, I found out about my great uncle Stanley, who died very young at Vimy Ridge.

Editor: This past March,  I found out about my great uncle Stanley, who died very young at Vimy Ridge.

I wrote this poem about him and would like honour him and all the fallen soldiers who unselfishly gave their lives.  My great uncle Stan is listed on the cenotaph at the Murrayville Cemetery and when I went to see it, I was overwhelmed with grief.

This poem flowed from my heart. Perhaps you could print the poem as a letter to the editor for the upcoming Remembrance Day?

Private Stanley Tyers

July 3, 1898 – April 9, 1917


At Vimy Ridge my Great Uncle Stan fell

He willingly suffered and strode bravely into hell.


He carried a rifle as he marched straight into harm

He and his regiment, his comrades in arms.


With the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, BC Regiment

He advanced for the loss of Canada to prevent.


Until at aged 18 he met his enemy face to face

As he fought and died in that dreadful place.


He generously gave his life for all in this land

For Canada, his siblings, and his heartbroken Mom and Dad.


I imagine my uncle, prayed aloud to our Lord

Give me courage and strength to continue onward.


I believe You were present and held him close Holy One

While he slipped into eternity for his work was done.


My Great Uncle Stan at Thelis in France does lie

The picture of his headstone moves me and I cry.


But his soul dwells in heaven, not in the grave

He lives forever because of his faith and life he gave.


Alone I stand at the cenotaph, lovingly tracing your name

With tears running down my face, I am not the same.


Thank you, thank you for your sacrifice Great Uncle Stan

I am grateful for your willingness to obey God’s plan.


I solemnly promise I will never forget your fate

And I know you will be waiting for me at heaven’s gate.


Cathy Tyers Moleschi,


Langley Times