In our Opinion: Bearer of bad news

BC NDP Leader John Horgan makes a stop in Prince Rupert as part of his northern Highway 16 tour.

John Horgan certainly wasn’t bringing good news to Prince Rupert — even in an election year.

He once again re-iterated his opposition to LNG in Prince Rupert, although couching it in political double-talk, and to remove union voices from the political arena.

“That means getting union and corporate donations out of the game so that regular people can determine how elections are run and the candidates that they want to elect,” Horgan said.

We fully understand the NDP have held a stranglehold over this riding on both the federal and provincial level.

But as we’ve opined in the past, NDP orange is of two colours — brown and green. The green environmentalist movement and the founding union brown.

We wonder just how long the browns will continue to support a party that nearly every time they come to our neck of the woods, they are bearers of bad news.

Horgan’s not-now-maybe-later plan for good-paying union jobs isn’t something this riding needs to hear … again.


The Northern View