In our Opinion: Macro and personal help needed

The worst may have passed for the residents of Fort McMurray but it’s a long way from over.

The worst may have passed for the residents of Fort McMurray but it’s a long way from over.

In the wake of the evacuation, this nation once again showed its compassion and is doing whatever we can to assist the evacuees.

There is little posturing or politics, except for the “Karma Kreeps”, just plain and simple outpouring of support, no strings attached.

We urge Prince Rupert to continue to do what they are financially able to do. The Red Cross and the matching funds of the federal government are absolutely needed at the macro-scale.

Black Press is pleased to assist on a more personalized scale for individual families through our crowdfunding campaign.

For more information on how you can set up a personal crowdfunding campaign for someone affected by the fire in Fort McMurray, please go to


The Northern View