In Our Opinion: Of course they did

There is absolutely nothing surprising that two First Nations and an environmental group have filed lawsuits to stop the PNW LNG project

Well, of course they did.

There is absolutely nothing surprising that two First Nations and an environmental group have filed lawsuits to stop the $36-billion Pacific NorthWest LNG project near Port Edward.

Despite the lengthy, exhaustive review and consultation process, 190 legally-binding conditions and majority support for the project, only the most naive could have expected that the Gitwilgyoots, Gitanyow and SkeenaWild wouldn’t lawyer up.

And of course, MP Nathan Cullen did.

Even without looking at the legal file, Cullen was on his soapbox rallying the so-called “Forces of No” crowd.

It is unfortunate but completely expected.

And after these three churn their way through the legal system, we can probably expect someone else to pop out of the woodwork clutching a ream of legal paperwork.

As well, no matter the issue, as long as it isn’t a NDP idea, Cullen and MLA Jennifer Rice will be out in full force playing politics.

It’s expected but, unfortunately, it is jeopardizing the potential social and economic well-being of our little city of rainbows.


The Northern View