In Our Opinion: There is no question

It is our hope the discussion and options come down to substantive issues.

Premier Christy Clark has a new name for North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice — JenNo.

Clark had a similar moniker for NDP leader John Horgan, calling him HoNo.

As JenNo, er, Jennifer Rice points out in her Guest View on this page, the name-calling is a tad juvenile, even if it is right on point.

With the nomination of Herb Pond to carry the B.C. Liberal banner against Rice in the upcoming provincial election, it is our hope the discussion and options come down to substantive issues.

Already, the NDP a benefactor of huge donors, just like the B.C. Liberals, the finger-pointing has begun over donations and the name-calling. In the end, the average North Coast voter doesn’t really care.

Here’s what we really want to know:

How are you going to use the tax dollars we send each year to Victoria to improve our lot in life. The North Coast lot in life.

Prince Rupert needs infrastructure money, job creation and an end to this decades-long malaise … of that there is NO question.


The Northern View