One of the problems with the letters to the editor section is it can take a long time to get a letter in. Thus the effectiveness of replies can sometimes be too long after the initial letter and seem somewhat out-of-sync with the present situation or even misrepresented.
To Dean Roosevelt, who has responded to my letter of Dec. 2 in The Morning Star Jan. 10, regarding the mayor’s position and progress of the Stickle Road topic, I reply with this letter.
Mr. Roosevelt, your letter to the editor is clearly a response aimed at shooting down my position or trying to discredit the importance of it and myself, along with my right to free speech in our democracy, while solely defending our mayor. In your letter, there are also no mentions of the actual topic’s details or any suggestions from you on how it should play out as you criticized about mine. It is easy to assume from your response that you are perhaps not familiar completely with the situation and have not been paying attention to the progress of it from the beginning of this fiasco.
If you had been, you would have been at the open houses and perhaps in your response would have something substantial to offer. I have been at the open houses, have talked specifically with the ministry representatives at these events and my position is clear. I am appalled at their attitude about this whole thing. I have also had several letters in our paper regarding this issue and as well, I have also started a Facebook page for suggestions, comments, etc. on this subject and yes, it is from the direction of supporting a light at that intersection. What have you done Mr. Roosevelt?
You might consider knowing a little more or actually being involved before criticizing in a public periodical.
I have lived all of my years here and have seen mayors and councils come and go, and yes it is my right to call out or criticize them if I choose, for my tax dollars go to their wages and all other expenses as do all citizens.’
As well, it is the people in a town that are the very lifeblood and reason to make things better and all those people deserve to have their best interests properly represented by the politicians representing them. I have spoken with Mr. Mund directly on this issue, thank you very much, and thus do have my facts straight.
Seriously, I am glad that you did respond for what greater purpose is there to put a letter in, but to open up dialogue and create interest in our otherwise apathetic society? This issue needs lots of valuable input.
I will leave you with this. It is great to get people involved in the issues of the day for that’s how good progress is made. Thank you for your interest.”
Rory Ian White