In response

Response to letter about Christians viewed with disdain

This is a response to the article entitled “Many people view Christians with disdain” by The Rev. Yme Woensdregt (June 19).

So the opinions of those young people (16 to 29-year-olds) were based upon their real experiences with today’s Christians? And nothing else? Really?

Here we go again witnessing the results of manipulative education. When educators (including some parents) are adverse to unacceptable facts and truth, as well as any objective moral order, young people are tragically cheated out of what is necessary to mature.  They are also in danger of becoming morally handicapped and will likely lack the ability to see or think objectively.  Opinions and  conclusions can then only be based on subjective feelings, attitudes and experiences as opposed to solid facts and fair judgement.

In Christian teachings, there are two general categories of works of mercy:  spiritual and corporal.  The modern approach to the works of mercy, even in many churches today, focuses primarily or completely on the corporal works – that is, physical comfort and needs.  This is of course skillfully exploited in the political arena through socialism.  Socialists are the master manipulators, as they persistently tug at the heart while insulting the mind.

In the traditional order, the Christian religion sought to nourish the soul and inform the conscience, enabling individuals to become independent, strong, virtuous and just.  It would then follow that such individuals, appreciating the dignity of man, would out of true charity and sincere concern seek to carry out both spiritual and corporal works at every opportunity.

The chief spiritual works of mercy are:  instruct the ignorant (objective truth); admonish the sinner (out of charitable concern for his well-being); counsel the doubtful; comfort the sorrowful; bear wrongs patiently; forgive injuries; pray for the living and the dead.

I am fully aware that this letter will also be subjectively viewed with disdain by “progressive” people.  So be it.  Christians know that they are to pray even for those who seek to malign them.


M. Strangward, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star