IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Province responds to Lake about milfoil

The answer from the province regarding Christina Lake’s milfoil issue is somewhat like listening to a broken record.

The Province of B.C. sent a letter to the RDKB recently, discussing bears and milfoil.

The Province of B.C. sent a letter to the RDKB recently, discussing bears and milfoil.

Once again the answer from the province regarding their responsibility and interest in Christina Lake’s milfoil issue is somewhat like listening to a broken record.

I have asked that the provincial response letter be printed for all those interested to read.

Considering that Christina Lake adds an infusion of 6,000 people to the Grand Forks and Boundary area every summer, considering that business retention is, or needs to be of the utmost importance and considering that the province owns much of the lakeshore, including Gladstone Park and the south end provincial day park, one would think that more interest would be forthcoming.

The Christina Lake taxpayers themselves pick up the entire milfoil budget for the lake, which begs the question, just how important to the whole area is the 6,000 plus visitors in the summer.

We are this year, faced with maximizing the milfoil budget to the tune of $310,000 and the reason for this is two-fold:

To add another dive team, so that diving will take place every day, thereby covering more of the lake without having to purchase another boat, more tanks and all other equipment.

Preparing for a long-term solution through the use of the milfoil weevil, which may require rearing of the bugs along with the enormous responsibility of paperwork attached to both the federal and provincial agencies that have responsibility over the lake.

Is this increase a burden to the Christina Lake taxpayers?  You bet.

It therefore might give anyone from the Grand Forks area pause to think about it when hearing that Christina Lake needs to pay more for parks, pool, or arena, when they may well then question how much their tax budget has gone up recently and indeed how much help has there been in the past for the jewel that attracts so many.

– Grace McGregor is Area C director for the RDKB

Grand Forks Gazette