Inadequate facilities

I feel that the doctors and nurses who looked after me were excellent and went above and beyond for me.

I would like to set the record straight …. not once did I complain about the care I received on my many visits to the hospital.

I feel that the doctors and nurses who looked after me were excellent and went above and beyond for me.

What I was talking about was the lack of beds!

This hospital is only a couple of years old and yet there isn’t adequate space for patients. Patients are lined up on gurneys in hallways, told they have to sleep in recliners in emergency which are four to a curtained off area, and have no privacy.

I don’t know about you, but when I am ill, I don’t need everybody to know about what is going on.

I feel it is a sorry state of affairs when a hospital this new is not up to the needs of the community.

On my second stay, I was interviewed by pediatrics as that was the only place that had a bed for a prolonged stay. I, for one, don’t feel that children and adults should be mixed together in a hospital, but I was extremely thankful for the bed.

We have one of the better medical systems in the world, but with the government doing cutbacks and private clinics taking over, how much longer are we going to be allowed to keep this medical system going?

This community deserves to have a hospital that meets the needs of the community, not just for the few but for everyone!

If this means higher taxes for us, so be it.

But at the same time, I would like to see the politicians take no more pay raises until the facilities for our health care are adequate to do the job.

Elly Rhoades

Abbotsford News