Income unknown

It comes as no surprise that Sidney has said no to North Saanich’s request for the sewer piggyback for the Sandown project.

It comes as no surprise that Sidney has said no to North Saanich’s request for the sewer piggyback for the Sandown project.

What the North Saanich mayor and chief administrative officer fail to get is the enormous costs for this sewer project and the entire Sandown Project. Very little income has been budgeted for this project. The real costs are still unknown.

It may be a wonderful project for the community of North Saanich but — the taxpayer, not just the mayor and council should have a voice.

North Saanich already has many debts, we have committed to a new firehall at a cost of $1,900,000-plus. With a small tax base we could soon become the new Greece or Italy. Let’s make sure we can pay for these projects without putting undue hardships on the working families and retirees in our community.

Conny McBride,

North Saanich


Peninsula News Review