Increase funding for funerals and burials

Honouring veterans properly in the last final act is the least the country can do for them.

The fact that Canadian funeral directors are obliged to cover the costs of funerals for Canada’s most impoverished war veterans bears witness to the lack of recognition for the immeasurable debt of gratitude Canadians owe all veterans.

During this time of remembrance, perhaps it is time to hold the government of Canada accountable and revisit this issue which has been of considerable importance for The Royal Canadian Legion for several years.

In fact, during our Dominion Convention held in Winnipeg in 2010, The Royal Canadian Legion passed a resolution calling on the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada to increase the Veterans Funeral and Burial Program services allowable from $3,600 to an equivalent level already established of $12,700 for the Canadian Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Moreover, these funds should be made available, without complex eligibility requirements, to all veterans who have insufficient financial means.

Veterans were willing to give their lives for this country; honouring them properly in the last final act is the least the country can do for them.

Lest we forget.


Gordon Moore

Dominion President

The Royal Canadian Legion

Surrey Now Leader