Increased self-reliance is the best solution to poverty

Poverty as we know it is an unavoidable manifestation from the dependence on a hyper-capitalist system.

To the Editor,

Re: Poverty affects thousands of city’s children, Jan. 20.

Poverty as we know it is an unavoidable manifestation from the dependence on a hyper-capitalist system. If you have ever played Monopoly, the game ends with only one winner and everyone else is a loser. Attaching socialism to that hyper-capitalistic equation leads to compromise, abandonment and a deterioration of what used to unify us.

Globalism has only exacerbated this system where the global elite, multinational corporations and social special interest groups act together against the masses by creating divisions and dependence for their gain by destroying the natural cohesion of self-reliant units, communities and nations.

Big industry profits come from the surplus of manpower which naturally keeps competing worker’s wages low and siphons the excess to the top one per cent. This has led to the global shrinking of the middle class due to debt and the rising cost of living.

Depending on the government to solve social woes is a dead end as those in the government are already bought by the special interest that funded their positions.

My solution is we should become agriculturally and economically self-reliant, totally self-owned and autonomous in our own regions. It is called being human again.

Holden SouthwardNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin