Indescribable acts of graveside robbery

Within two months of my husband’s plaque being laid, someone stole flower vase

Editor, The News:

Re: Graveyard thefts  are a low thing (Letters, April 12).

I must agree with John Borgen. What kind of a person robs from a graveside?

Within two months of my husband’s plaque being laid, someone stole the flower vase out of it. Then just this past March, the three daffodil plants and three tulip plants that were on the grave were stolen. Three of these plants had been anchored down so they would not blow over. It is not only disrespectful to my deceased husband, but what it does to my family and I emotionally is indescribable.

I must also say that the caretaker at the graveyard does a tremendous job. I always find him friendly and will go out of his way to help a person. He is upset that this is happening and trying to make sure to the best of his ability that this does not continue.

Please, everyone, if things go missing from your love ones graves, or you see something suspicious, report it to the caretaker so he has something to go on.

Linda Schmitz

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News