Inexpensive projects could add interest to downtown

Not every project for Mission's downtown needs to be expensive

Editor, The Record:

Re: A parking structure on Railway would help improve downtown, Dec. 20 edition.

Sharon Anderson was dead on in her comment about what Mission needs. Well, almost. I’m not sure about a parking structure on North Railway Street. According to a friend of mine, the one in New Westminster is ugly.

However, I would like to add a couple of my own suggestions for improvement. Since these are more or less cosmetic, they need not cost a lot of money.

How about re-doing the downtown pedestrian crossings? They are almost worn out due to use and weathering. And why can’t we have one similar to the one in downtown Abbotsford that is strikingly visible? Ours could be a “yellow brick road” crossing, like Dorothy’s?

Another improvement, perhaps an artsy one, could be to make the staircase up to Mission Central School, next to the Mission Museum, into a piano keyboard. Some towns have already done something like this and it is impressive. I’m sure it would make our town a bit more upscale.

Walter Schmur


Mission City Record