Information letter misrepresented ALR

Letter to residents of North Saanich from Abbeyfield got its dates mixed up

Recently, I received a letter asking North Saanich residents for support to remove land from Agricultural Land Reserve to support Abbeyfield House.

Incorrect information was circulated in this brochure under item No. 4 – Precedent Settings for Land Removal from the ALR.

The Agricultural Land Reserve was enacted in 1974 with lands being established in the reserve until 1976. The writer states various properties were removed from the ALR, however plans of subdivision were registered with the Land Titles office for the following properties in the following years:

• 1913 – Sansbury and McTavish schools

• 1914 – Ardmore and Glen Meadows golf courses

• 1946 – Sandown race track

• 1964 – Kelset school

• 1976 – Panorama leisure centre

Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal was established before 1974.

Rather than ask for land to be removed from the ALR using incorrect information the society should investigate the possibility of obtaining the large, unused, seniors complex built in Sidney by the Bethel Community Baptist Church.

Lorrene Soellner

North Saanich

Peninsula News Review