Injured dog finds guardian angel

There are some really special people in this world and last Sunday night one of them touched our lives.

There are some really special people in this world and last Sunday night one of them touched our lives.

Sam, our golden retriever and my husband were out for a walk on the dike when Sam took off.  We can only guess that he was trying to get back to the truck when a car hit him.

The woman stopped and seeing his tag took him to our vet.

It was a horrible situation but the good news is he is home today some the worse for wear with stitches and scrapes, but with no broken bones or internal injuries.

The vet says he will be fine in a short while.  I just think of how different the outcome could have been if this person had chosen not to get involved.

I don’t know your name, but you reminded me that the world is still a place of good people.   Thank you for caring.


Carol Frost

Chilliwack Progress