Inspiration Park a legacy

Re: “Little gem ignored” in the Aug. 19 issue of The News.
The letter by John Redekop concerning the Friendship Garden near the public library, motivated me to submit a comment, in a similar vein, with regard to Inspiration Park, situated just west of Denny’s Restaurant.

Re: “Little gem ignored” in the Aug. 19 issue of The News.

The letter by John Redekop concerning the Friendship Garden  near the public library, motivated me to submit a comment, in a similar vein, with regard to Inspiration Park, situated just west of Denny’s Restaurant.

It is beautifully nestled in the corner with tall trees surrounding it, and a captivating mural “facing” it.

It is worthy of an intentional rest stop for Abbotsford citizens. The focus is significant, drawing attention to individuals in our community who have demonstrated their deep concern about the relationship between the environment and our health, currently and in the past.

There is no doubt that Patricia Ross is one of these individuals behind the scenes, and up front as well.

The site serves as a legacy to the power of individual citizens and to inspire future generations. As an added value it is a serene spot.

I do not know the cost of establishing Inspiration Park.

The concern I would have is somewhat related to location, as well.

Nevertheless, it is a unique way of utilizing a corner for the preservation of a small spot of natural beauty, which might otherwise have been another target for business development.

It offers a peaceful stop for rest and for inspiration, and to gaze at the captivating faces in the mural.

Do it! Perhaps you will even see yourself.

Bill Thiessen

Abbotsford News