Insured cyclists would benefit all road users

Cyclists and their bicycles should be licensed, and they should carry insurance

Re: Cyclists pay fair share (Letters, Oct. 3)

The letter-writer writes quite well and somewhat convincingly in his fallacious argument against licensing cyclists, inferring that cyclists pay their fair share towards the cost of the roads they use by paying taxes like everyone else.

He seems to forget that cyclists benefit from the large area of roadway devoted to them in the form of dedicated cycle lanes, which are maintained by the funds motorists and pedestrians pay via their taxes. The cyclists pay no more for the privilege of having these dedicated lanes maintained for themselves.

For their own health and safety, and consideration for and protection of other road users and pedestrians, cyclists and their bicycles should be licensed, and they should carry insurance; third party, at least.

By the way, I too pay my taxes, but I have no bicycle and do not drive a car.

Peter Watkins




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