Interest free loans to private businesses are subsidies



Let this be a lesson to all politicians, municipal, regional, provincial and federal.

When a government grants an interest free loan or an outright grant to any private business, it’s a subsidy. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

Trudeau, the prime minister, and the premier of Quebec Collaries should do the homework before granting a grant to any company. The Canada taxpayer has propped up Bombardier for many years. A company that is run by a family with an attitude of entitlement.

With their political connections they know that they can rely on the Quebec and federal politicians to bail them out of the fiscal mess with Canadian taxpayers money.

Boeing just made them realize that Canada belongs to the World Trade Organization and the rules apply even to Trudeau and Quebec.

Are the tariffs applied to Bombardier fair? No, I don’t want to see any Canadian lose their job because of an arbitrarily applied tariff. Hello prime minister and Quebec, this the 2018.


Gary Hemmerling

Burns Lake Lakes District News