Interesting Terrace coincidence

Tourist from Surrey discovers road sign in Terrace, B.C. coincidentally containing two of his family names.

Nick Lanfear in front of Terrace sign coincidentally containing two family names.

Nick Lanfear in front of Terrace sign coincidentally containing two family names.

Dear Sir:

Just wanted to let you know that we passed through Terrace a few months ago on our way up to Alaska.

While there, I knew you had a street called Lanfear so we looked it up.

It is a very rare name in Canada. Yours was an 1890s resident though, no relation.

We took a few pictures at a corner which amazingly was at the junction of Thomas street, Thomas being my mother’s maiden name!

An amazing coincidence I thought you might find interesting.

Probably the only corner in the world that shares these two names with me.

Nick Lanfear.

Surrey, B.C.

Editor’s note: Lanfear Street and Lanfear Hill take their names from  Danina Lanfear who with Ethelwyn French ran a farm on top of Lanfear Hill in the early part of the 20th century. Both were from Great Britian.

Terrace Standard