Internet providers need better business model

To the Editor,

If we are going to use B.C. Hydro as the Internet providers’ business model, then let it be implemented properly.

An access charge of $10 per month and $1 per gig of traffic seems fair.

The current game, where you guess how much you are going to use, is clearly not fair. If you guess high, the Internet provider just pockets the money for the unused traffic and, if you guess low, you are charged disproportionately high rates for the overage.

Can you imagine the oil companies insisting customers had to guess their gas usage and pay monthly based on that guess? Then if you use less, they just keep the money, but if you exceed your guess the overage costs you $5 per litre.

Since that plan would never fly, why do we allow Internet providers to work this scam?

While we are at it, Internet providers should only be allowed to advertize the minimum speed they guarantee, for any product, not the maximum speed.

Courier companies can’t advertise “next day service” and then have a disclaimer in fine print saying it could take longer if they are busy or if you send a lot of parcels. So why are Internet providers allowed this deceptive practice?

Paying only for what you use and at a guaranteed speed would be a refreshing change for most Internet users and it’s the only fair way to market this product.

S.I. Petersen


Nanaimo News Bulletin