Intriguing proposal

Letter writer supports refinery in Alberta, not B.C.

The guest column from Black Press owner David Black was both thought provoking and timely.

I must disagree with the suggested location of a refinery near Kitimat. The lack of refinery capacity north and east of Edmonton has been acknowledged in the past, and this has now become a significant barrier to the oil sands industry.

A refinery complex in north-central Alberta would be able to ship value-added refined products east, south to the U.S. and west.

This would also remove so many of the obstacles that reasonable and informed opponents have identified in the Keystone and Northern Gateway proposals.

I believe the federal, Alberta and B.C. governments should listen to Mr Black, but refinery capacity must be in Alberta, not in Kitimat or any other location on B.C.’s coast.


Rod Drennan




Vernon Morning Star