

Invest in green energy, not pipeline

It's time to retool our economy to tackle the climate crisis

Invest in green energy, not pipeline

The Trudeau government has committed to spending tens of billions of dollars on the Trans Mountain pipeline. The climate impact of this project is the equivalent of adding 34 million cars to Canada’s road every year. In other words, the government may as well be pouring fuel on the West Coast wildfires. Why aren’t we responding with the urgency that the climate crisis demands?

Instead of needlessly wasting money on a climate wrecking pipeline, why doesn’t the Trudeau government invest in meaningful action to build back better from the pandemic and economic crisis?

It’s time to retool our economy to tackle the climate crisis while generating millions of long-term, well paying jobs. Rebuilding our national energy grid would do much more to address our long term energy needs by allowing multiple inputs and encouraging the development of small scale, community organized power generation. Working to expand wind power generation, high efficiency solar farms, geothermal plants, massive battery installations, and many more emerging technologies can dramatically reduce Canada’s long-term carbon footprint, allowing us to honour our commitments to the Paris Accord.

Mark Hazell

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen