‘Invisible’ fraudulent crimes ‘are way up’

Dear Editor,

We are told by the authorities: “Crime is down in Langley City.”

Do these statistics include the repeated phone calls from the criminals telling me my Microsoft computer needed repairs, and if I just keyed in this special number, they can enter my computer remotely and “fix” the problem and clean out my computer data?

Do these statistics include the criminal who links to my phone by an Ottawa “613” telephone exchange and screams at my wife that unless she pays CRA the owing back taxes she owed that day (by giving her VISA number to him) her Royal Bank account would be closed?

Or what about the criminal who managed to drain money out of my account for charges I never made?

My bank repaid my account, but when I reported it to the authorities, I was told that since I had been repaid it was a “victimless crime.”

Jim Cunningham, Murrayville



Langley Advance