Involve Wild ARC in deer issue

Animal rehabilitators could help relocate excess urban deer and CBC Radio presented a Smithers wildlife shelter that is considering de-ticking wild moose using paint ball guns with balls containing a delousing powder.

The Capital Regional District’s Deer Management website shows the ICBC map of deer-vehicle collisions for 2000 to 2010.  The highest accident locations are outside Oak Bay.  The map, especially if Oak Bay updates it, will help concerned drivers avoid the deer.

The SPCA’s partner Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre, which I have never heard or seen the SPCA mention in the Oak Bay News (why not?), provides humane solutions for deer.

Wild ARC rehabilitates and relocates fawns and deer in the CRD. Oak Bay’s culling contractor could capture deer with a clover trap sitting inside a horse trailer located where the deer frequent. To prevent theft the hitch would be locked while waiting for deer.

Once captured, the contractor would transport the trailer of live deer to Arc’s Metchosin  rehabilitation site.

Wild ARC vets could survey the deer for lyme ticks, then trailer loads of deer could be relocated remotely wherever Wild ARC currently releases their rehabilitated animals.

Hope for Wildlife in Seaforth, N.S. shows successful deer releases on The Knowledge Network.

Wild ARC operates by donations, so if the budget allocated for a culling contractor isn’t enough, deer-loving Oak Bayers might pitch a little extra cash in.

Please read the ‘Professional’  comments regarding bolt guns for killing animals at or Google deer and clover cage.

On a more positive note, Google and enjoy ‘A Deer Migration You have to See to Believe’ by National Geographic. It is fascinating what the deer overcome in order to survive.

Deer, Oak Bayers and council all win; no culling by killing, 40 road kill already is more than enough.

Susan Rowntree

Oak Bay

Goldstream News Gazette