Irony in location of recycling plant

There must be a better location than cherished riverside for Chilliwack recycling plant, says letter writer

Learning that a new mercury and PCB recycling plant virtually on the banks of the Fraser River was surprising to say the least.  Why would the City of Chilliwack put such a useful and necessary recycling facility in a more counter productive location.

It’s ironic that one would go to such lengths to handle and recycle these toxic carcinogens in an incredibly dangerous location concerning fish, wildlife, and the very water we consume, to protect us!

These are very toxic substances, a lot more sinister than the organic leaching from the First Nations landfill that it was compared to by Mayor Gates.  Nobody understands why there, you could literally throw a rock to the river from the edge of that location.  If there was ever a flood, and there has been, even if it was built up above flood level, it would be at jeopardy.  Then there’s the everyday threat of a major earthquake, we know it’s coming, so let’s build a life threatening plant in the most vulnerable location.

Mayor Gates and the Chilliwack council are trying to divert the attention of their location miscue against the very people who are asking council for time to review the whole process that was flung at them without notice.  Why is council trying to push this through with as little consultation as possible.

Surely there’s another location in the area that would be more suitable than the banks of the largest salmon spawning river in the world.  How about near where PCBs and mercury are produced and used, that would make sense.

Art Green

Hope, B.C.

Agassiz Observer