Is Ashcroft open for business?

A writer wonders if there are other business opportunities Ashcroft has missed out on.

Dear Editor,

After reading the letter from Bob Fearn of Surrey in The Journal (July 14), I feel compelled to write my thoughts on the situation.

I find it hard to believe that the Ashcroft administration office is so busy that not one person could take the time to respond to his letter. This indeed is a missed opportunity for Ashcroft, when a business has contacted our village office to indicate he felt Ashcroft would be a potential location for his solar energy business. How long would it have taken one of the staff at the village office to pick up the phone and speak with Mr. Fearn about his relocation to Ashcroft?

It really makes me wonder how many other missed opportunities have taken place.

Valerie Lindberg


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal