Is pizza really a vegetable?

Congress in the USA in fact considers pizza a vegetable, although many Americans may not honour this or even know it exists.

Congress in the USA in fact considers pizza a vegetable, although many Americans may not honour this or even know it exists.

In 2011, Congress fought to keep pizza and french fries on the menu at public schools in response to the Obama administrations proposal to make school lunches healthier and more nutritious.

With the introduction of a new nutrition guide in 2009, the USDA developed a new guide to form a plan that would cut back on salt and potatoes, reducing saturated fat and calories.

Currently, an eighth of a cup of tomato paste is considered enough of a ‘vegetable’ under the regulations making pizza count as a vegetable just the same as half a cup of spinach would.


Kiara McLean

Fauquier, B.C.


Arrow Lakes News