Island party problematic

Is the true motivation of the Vancouver Island Party simply a desire for political power and control?

To the Editor,

Re: Island provincial status pushed by new party, June 23.

Is the true motivation of the Vancouver Island Party simply a desire for political power and control? With the population of the Island compared to the rest of B.C. and the major provinces, and with the natural resources of the Island compared to the rest of B.C., we will be the poor cousin with the feds completely ignoring us. The damage caused would be a small-scale Brexit. Consider the number of jobs lost and the people leaving when the B.C. government has to relocate to the mainland. There are also trade barriers between the provinces and B.C. would not likely be too friendly towards our goods and services if we cause them all that amount of disruption.

We will become Newfoundland West or maybe we will just need our own Anne of Green Gables so we can become a tourist novelty like P.E.I.

The Vancouver Island Party needs to put away their pipe dream and not cause us even less attention from Victoria (as they allege) by splitting the vote.

Stan TonoskiNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin