Island transport needs attention

It was nice to hear our MLA Michelle Stilwell come out against the elimination of ferry service between Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay.

Recently, it was nice to hear our MLA Michelle Stilwell come out against the elimination of ferry service between Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay (The NEWS, Nov. 11).

But talk is cheap and I was very disappointed in her response when asked if the provincial government was prepared to put more money into the system. The best she could offer was that this decision would come out of the minister’s office. I would have preferred to have heard her come out in strong support of creating a more equitable funding formula for the ferry system such as the way Victoria funds highways, bridges, etc. throughout the entire province. After all, is it too much to expect her to represent her constituents here on the Island on this most important issue?

If the cost of travelling back and forth to the mainland continues to rise, it will be extremely detrimental to business, tourism, housing prices and many other aspects to our Island lifestyle.

Those of us who have moved here were aware of the consequences of living on an Island, but did not expect to be abandoned by our government with regards to transport.

And while on the subject of transportation, mid-Islanders are paying a substantial premium for gasoline. I have not heard any questions being raised by our elected representatives as to why this unfair pricing policy of the oil companies is allowed to continue.

Maybe, just maybe, if here on the Island we had elected seven or eight members of the ruling party we would hear a great deal more support for the ferry system and possibly lower fares. Are we shooting ourselves in the foot when voting for the opposition who have little or no influence in decisions that concern us?

Jim BergotQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News