Issues being overlooked

It is incomprehensible how these leaders continue to get a free pass or are denied the opportunities to express themselves

So far serious issues such as climate change, the high cost of prescription drugs and how a national pharmaceutical policy could reduce costs substantially, First Nations reconciliation, the potentially costly ISDS clauses to the public in free trade agreements, proportional representation, the powers of the PMO, the expanding influence of corporate lobby groups that potentially skews government policy, the lack of accountability of candidates who avoid local candidate debates, and foreign policy matters haven’t been discussed in any depth during these so-called debates.

Instead, what we hear are repetitive and superficial one liners carefully manufactured by professional think tanks and talk about knockout punches.

It is incomprehensible how these leaders continue to get a free pass or are denied the opportunities to express themselves when there are so many relevant and pressing issues during this apparently most important election.

Ted Woynillowicz





Saanich News