It could be a tragic shortcut

Former Brookswood resident found juxtaposition of gun range and high school ironic.

Editor: I’ve always found one of the greatest ironies was the positioning of Brookswood Secondary next to a shooting range. Considering it further, it would not just be a planning oxymoron, like Lynden’s old meat processing plant next to the cemetery. If set in the United States, it would be a tragic psychopathic shortcut.

But don’t despair, Canada. You’ve prepared for zombie disaster awareness, while we, south of you, are home to teenagers who shuffle into the house and turn off President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, and change channels to cartoons.

All I can say is, “If you are our future, I am freaking scared to death.”

Cathleen Chance Vecchiato,

Sonoma, California

Langley Times