It Happened This Week in 1909

It Happened This Week in 1909

News and notes from Cranbrook's yesteryear


The event of the season … The girls of St. Mary’s church take pleasure in announcing a lawn social to be given on the church grounds on the evening of Thursday, July the 15th. The city band will be in attendance and apart from all the usual attraction of lawn socials, several new features will be introduced which promise to make the affair the event of the season. Full particulars will be announced at a later date.

Premier’s visit … On the evening of Tuesday last the presence of the Hon. Richard McBride, premier of British Columbia, in Cranbrook was taken advantage of to entertain him to an informal non-political meeting in the Auditorium, followed by a smoker and concluding with a short meeting of the Agricultural society. The meeting was under the chairmanship of the mayor and with him and the premier on the platform were, amongst others, E. Mallandaine, T. T. McVittie, Fort Steele; D. J . Johnson, Otis Staples, J, D. McBride, G. H. Thompson, T. D. Caven, E. A. Watts, James Ryan and Edward Elwell. Mayor Fink in opening the proceedings said that he was glad to have the pleasure and the honor of introducing the premier to such a large meeting of the ladies and gentlemen of Cranbrook. Not that the Hon. Richard McBride needed an introduction to all of them, but as the meeting was strictly non-political and embracing all parties he thought the introduction needed in some part. He was sorry to say he had not the pleasure of seeing his friend, Dr. King, our representative at Victoria, present. In his absence he could only wish him a pleasant voyage and the very best that the continent of Europe had to offer. Our province produced most of the good things of the earth, amongst them the guest of the evening, the premier, whom he was proud to ask to come forward to say a few words. (Applause.)

Police court news … On Monday last there was a long session in the police court before Police Magistrate Ryan, when he had cases of considerable importance to the public to engage his attention. Faddy Madigan, Michael Deloughery, James Gibson and Charles Carmot were charged with stealing a sum of $50 from the person of one Frank Roberto, an Italian section hand. It appeared from the evidence that Madigan and Roberto were drinking and shaking dice at one of the hotels and adjourned to another for the same purpose. At both places Roberto was the paymaster and when be produced a dollar to pay at the latter place, one of the men, Deloughery apparently, tried to snap it out of his hand. The bartender had occasion to go into an adjoining room and then two of the party struck him and dragged him into the back room, where his trousers were almost torn off him in their eagerness to get at his pocket. When he recovered from the effect of the blows, the pocket had been torn bodily off his garment and, of course, the money was gone. There was evidence forthcoming to show that Carmot did no more than look on at the transaction, and the charge against him was therefore withdrawn, but Madigan, Delougbery and Gibson were committed for trial. George H. Thompson appeared to prosecute for the crown and M. A. Macdonald defended. The same counsels were then engaged for the prosecution and defence of a man named William Stickler, who ran a kind of lottery here during the recent race meeting. This man had been brought back from Lethbridge, after Chief Dow had flung a net over half the continent to get him. The charge against him was stealing a diamond from a man named J. A. Dunlap, and in this charge a party known by the alias of Tex was also concerned, but was not in court. The case for the prosecution was that Stickler had a diamond stud in pawn in McLean’s second hand shop, and having entered into an agreement with Dunlap to sell it for $70, he went to Mr. Wilson, the jeweler, and had the genuine diamond mounted in a ring and a glass substitute placed in the stud, which was passed over to Dunlap just as he was leaving for Spokane, and who never discovered the fraud until he reached his destination. By that time Stickler and Tex were far away. A charge against Tex and Stickler for obtaining money from Dunlap by false pretenses was withdrawn and Stickler was committed for trial on the charge of stealing. A man named John Craig was remanded for eight days on a charge of stealing a quantity of blankets, such as are used by men in the lumber camps. The want of better accommodation in the city jail is being badly felt. The cell room is very limited and is now for the first time in many moons being taxed somewhat beyond its capacity.

Shining star … For the past week the people of Cranbrook have been wondering about what seemed to be a star on the summit of Baker mountain. In reality it was the bottom of a tin can that had been left there by a party of mountain climbers in a position that the setting sun caught it just right to reflect the rays and make an attractive point on the mountain top.

Ball game … There was a great game of ball last Sunday between the boarders of the Wentworth and the boarders of the Royal hotel. The boys played nine innings, which is really too much for a bunch of amateurs, and up to the seventh inning it was a great game. In the last two innings the boys of the Royal got things going their own way and the score resulted seven to two. It was a nice clean game, there was no trouble and no loud words, and the large crowd gathered to witness the game thoroughly enjoyed it.

Nasty fall … Miss Janet McGillivray twisted her foot on Wednesday, and so great was the pain that she fainted. In falling she cut her face in several places.

Michel news … We have been asked by Missouri Bill to print his criticism of the young men of Michel, who failed to introduce him to the ladies at the Eagles’ ball on Tuesday night. He says the music was grand, the ladies charming, but the boys were evidently afraid that Bill would cut them out, for they might have lost their girls, had they given Bill a knock down to their partners. Bill said lots more, but let it go at that.

Moyie news … A deal of more than ordinary importance was made this week by the change of ownership of the Hotel Kootenay. The purchasers are Messrs. McTavish & Cameron, who have had the place under lease for a little over two years. The Hotel Kootenay was built in 1901 by McMahon Bros., and was enlarged in 1908. A good portion of the material for the first building was hauled in on sleighs from Kootenay Landing, a distance of sixty miles. At that time it was the finest hotel in East Kootenay, and even today there are few that are better. The price paid for it this week was probably between $10,000 and $12,000, but it is known that it cost more than this amount to build it. McTavish & Cameron have made a big success of the hotel since taking hold of it, and the fact that they have now bought it shows the unbounded faith they have in the camp.

Fernie news … The new City Bastille has been opened for the reception of transient guests and steady boarders. A byproduct of the social evil and a booze fighter were contestants for the doubtful honor of being first to enjoy the cloistered seclusion of this safe retreat, the former winning out by a small majority.

Baker Street … The work of improving the main street is going on in a most satisfactory manner and when it is completed Baker street will be a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

Buffaloes again … The time when the buffaloes will arrive from Montana is still uncertain, although they are expected about the last of the month.

Baptist Church … Of late the Cranbrook Baptist church building has been undergoing a thorough renovation. New pews have been installed and the place has been tastefully re-decorated, presenting a most attractive and comfortable place of worship. This Sunday’s services, 11a.m. and 7 p.m., will be of a special character in keeping with the re-opening of the church. Special music will be provided by the choir. The pastor, Charles W. King, will take for his morning subject: “God’s Power House” and for the evening ”Gideon Getting Ready.” The Lord’s Supper with Right Hand of Fellowship will be observed at the morning service. Bible school at 3 p.m. Strangers always welcome.

Cosmopolitan Hotel … It would seem strange indeed if the time would come when E. H. Small would not be in the hotel business in Cranbrook. For the past ten years, with a slight intermission of a few months, Mr. Small has been proprietor of the Cosmopolitan hotel, one of the best known hotels in Western Canada. “Ernie,” as he is known by everybody, is one of the most popular hotel men in Cranbrook, and he is doing a business that is a credit to his personality, and to the house. The Cosmopolitan is an established institution in Cranbrook and you might say a landmark. There are hundreds of people who would never think of going to any other hotel than the Cosmopolitan, when they come to Cranbrook, simply because when they go to the Cosmopolitan they want to go again on account of the treatment that they receive. A reputation like that means a good deal in the hotel business and that reputation has been built up by dealing right with the people for many years. When you go to the “Cos” you know that you will get a good room and good meals and see “Ernie”. What more do you want? Nothing.

The schools close … Yesterday morning the closing exercises of the public schools were held and there was a large attend­ance. The programme consisted of re­citations and songs and the enter­tainment was of a most pleasing character.

The Cranbrook teachers … The school teachers of Cranbrook will spend their vacation as follows: Miss Elliott will go to the Okanagan country; Miss Ross will go to New Westminster; Miss Hall will go to Vancouver and Miss Caldwell will go to Medicine Hat. Miss Taylor was married on Monday to Mr. Ander­son, the former principal of the school, in Spokane last Monday and then went to her home at Vancouver.

Hunting party … A. H. Nicholls, who accompanied the Pratt hunting party last October up the Kootenay valley, has just re­ceived from Mr. Pratt, of New York, a copy of a magazine named “Country Life in America,” in which Mr. Pratt has written a full inscription of his trip in this district, with photographs, both plain and colored, that will do a lot in extending the fame of this country as a sporting center. Mr. Nicholls also received from Mr. Pratt a bound copy of all the photographs that he took on the trip, which is a very pretty souve­nir.

Michel reporter … The Duke of Sparwood was let off by Judge Wilson for selling trout. The M. F. & M. Railway will run special trains from the C.P.R. depot to the “Y” on Dominion Day. Anyone carrying a Canadian Club tag will be carried free. E. W. Marsh, arrested for stealing from Mrs. McLaren’s boarding house, Michel, was let off on suspended sent­ence for one year and has to report to the police office once a month. Fishing is now at its best, although the trout is wary of the gaudy color­ed fly. Some people are eating so many grayling that they have much difficulty in getting their shirts off as the bones are sticking through.

Cranbrook Townsman

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