It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1908

It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1908

Week of December 17-23

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Great train robbery … continued from last week After proceeding about two miles the bandits, who evidently are old rail road men, judging from the manner in which they handled the locomotive, stopped the engine and went through the mail car, obtaining a considerable quantity of registered mail. After hurriedly committing the robbery they again got on to the engine and hurried to Mead, a distance only a few miles from the scene of the robbery where they stopped the engine, jumped from the cab, and with their booty hastened to a buggy that was there awaiting for them. A resident of Mead, who happened to be near the track when the engine arrived, saw the men hurry to the buggy, but did not suspect that there was anything wrong. He declares that there was a fourth man awaiting the trio at Mead and that in the hurry and confusion of making their getaway he was left behind. That was the last seen of the desperadoes. When the enginemen informed the conductor of the holdup he hurried to Hillyard and reported to Spokane. The sheriff was notified, and he quickly gathered a posse and started for the scene in a switch engine, which will be used to bring the train back to Hillyard. It is supposed that the bandits with their team, drove rapidly toward Spokane, left the rig and then made their way into the city on foot. The police were notified of the daring robbery and the entire shift was awaiting the appearance of the men at an early hour this morning. … To be continued in next week’s Townman edition of “It happened this week in Cranbrook” …”TWO WORE FALSE WHISKERS”.

Christmas present suggestions … The wife can save you all kinds of money if you buy her a chopper. It grinds anything— beefsteak or old rubbers—you won’t know the difference, as anything the wife makes tastes good, and she’s saving at the same time. 75c. to $3.00 each. Here’s an idea for the three-year-olds — knife, fork and spoon, $1.50 set. We appeal to the men of Cranbrook! Don’t let your wife go on using the corn broom, buy her a sweeper and see the extra special smile. We offer Bissel’s Sweepers from $3.00 to $5.50. We have the Famous Red Hone Curling Stone. Here’s the clear thing for the hubby. It will keep him from worrying you at home each evening $23.00 set. McCallum&Co. the hardware men

Municipal elections … There is very little activity noticeable at present in connection with the forthcoming municipal elections. It is now generally understood that J. P. Fink will accept re-nomination, but whether or not he will be opposed remains uncertain, although there is some talk of Mr. James Finlay again entering the contest. Prospective candidates for the aldermanic contest are E. Elwell, B. H. Short, G. W. Patmore and D. J. Johnson. After the Christmas holidays it is expected that active interest in the municipal contest will be aroused and that several public meetings will be held to discuss past administration and outline policies for the future.

Skating tickets … Season tickets for the Arena Skating rink can be obtained from W. H. Wilson, the jeweler, or E. H. McPhee, at the Electric Light office. Gentlemen’s tickets, $5; ladies’, $3.

Leaving town … Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Rogers left for Vancouver last Tuesday afternoon. In their departure Cranbrook loses two estimable residents. They convey with them to their new home the best wishes of every citizen of Cranbrook for their future prosperity.

Fatal Wycliffe accident … C. Anjelo, an Italian, employed by the Otis Staples Lumber company at Wycliffe, as a top loader, met with an accident on Monday that proved fatal. He was loading logs on a sleigh, when by some mishap one of the logs slipped and fell on to Angelo, causing injuries from which he died whilst being conveyed into town for hospital treatment.

New street lights … The new street lights installed and in operation for the first time on Saturday night last, gave very general satisfaction. They consist of 250 Watt Tungsten lamps and arc strung down the center of Baker Street.

‘Searchlight” charges enquiry opened … At 2.30 on, Tuesday afternoon the board of police commissioners, con­sisting of Mayor Fink and Messrs. James Ryan and D. J. Johnson, as­sembled at the court house to hold an investigation into certain serious charges preferred against Chief Cory A. Dow, in the columns of the “Searchlight,” a publication issued periodically by Rev. R. Hughes. Mayor Fink, in opening the pro­ceedings, referred to the article in the “Searchlight,” intimating that if the statements contained therein could be substantiated the police de­partment must be in a very deplorable condition. On the other hand, if these statements could not be sub­stantiated it would only be fair to exonerate Chief Dow from the grave charges preferred against him. Several witnesses were called to prove publication and circulation of the issue of the “Searchlight,” con­taining the objectionable matter. This issue was dated December 11th, and the specific words objected to were as follows: “Do the citizens know that young boys have been spending whole nights in these vile holes? Even boys sixteen years of age? Do they know that in some cases the Chief of Police has actually gone to the homes of the parents and said that the boy owed so much to the house in question and would not be released until it was paid?” Mr. Hughes again declared that the statements complained of were true. M. A. Macdonald pointed out that Mr. Hughes reiterated the truth of his statements. It was therefore up to the commission to compel him to prove them. They should exer­cise the powers given them by the act and compel Mr. Hughes to dis­close the names and all facts or else insist upon a complete withdrawal. Hughes must either make an unquali­fied withdrawal or the case must be proceeded with. Mr. Hughes again declined to di­vulge any names Mayor Fink intimated that Mr. Hughes must adopt one of two courses, either withdraw his state­ments or prove them. More apt words could have been used to show that the chief of police had appointed himself a collecting agent for the women in the restricted district. The commissioners were anxious to meet him in any fair manner and he sug­gested a withdrawal into a private room to discuss the situation. Thereupon the commissioners, coun­sel and Mr. Hughes withdrew and af­ter an absence of some few minutes, Mayor Fink announced the adjourn­ment of the sitting until Tuesday next.

For sale … Hay Farm on Kootenay River 257 ACRES 1 mile from Fort Steele – 9 miles from Cranbrook 200 acres level bottom land 57 acres bench land 30 acres under cultivation, mostly in timothy. 4-room frame house, log stables and partly fenced. Never-failing creek and river frontage. The bottom land has deep black soil, and is covered with a light growth of poplar and willow brush. Just the right kind of soil for timothy and will produce from 2 1/2 to 3 tons per acre. Price $4,500 cash. Fred A. Russell and Co., Next door to P. Woods’ Meat Market, Armstrong Avenue, Cranbrook.

Perfect gift … wouldn’t it be lovely to delight mother’s heart this year with the new range she has wanted so long? A SASK-ALTA would make her happy the whole year round, make the kitchen work easy, the baking and cooking a real pleasure. It would be the crowning gift. For sale only at our store. Patmore Bros.

Moyie hockey … after the rink of the Moyie Hockey club was thrown open to the public Wednesday night, and on that evening and every evening since the attendance has been good. C. E. Joslin, the ice maker, seems to be the right man for the job, and has the rink in good shape every evening for the boys. Each evening there is hockey practice from 7 to 8, and then the general public are admitted. Moyie has a strong hockey team, and the town promises to gain a reputation for hockey equal to that which it gained last summer for baseball. The Moyie boys had been planning for a minstrel show on New Year’s eve, but have now changed their minds and will have a big dance instead on that evening. According to the schedule of the Crows Nest Hockey league, the Moyie team will play at Fernie January 1st, at Coleman, January 3rd and at Lethbridge, January 4th. For the return matches, Fernie will play at Moyie on January 6th, Coleman will play here on January 11th, and Lethbridge will play here on January 22nd.

Coasting on Baker Hill … As an average sample of the composition work of Cranbrook high school pupils, the following, by Miss Kathleen Bridges, is of interest:

“The long sled was at last filled. A few were very reluctant to get on but the rest were full of the excitement of the great slide. The sled is started off and the speed gradually increases as the downward grade is commenced. Through shadows cast on the shining grooves of the road the sled dashes, now and then fairly jumping over bumps and rough parts of the road. At this, shouts are raised, which seem to echo in the frosty stillness. The street lamps, with the moon and stars, make the scene as light as day, and the crystals in the deep snow as also the smooth tracks left by the sled runners, gleam like the stars. This track is speedily left behind as the sled flies down the hill, swerving now to one side and now to the other, quickening its speed every minute. The bottom is reached, the stearer nerves himself for the curve, each eye is turned to the road ahead, each hand tightens its grip and everyone seems to stop breathing. Around the curve and in a few minutes the long slide is over, but a great shout is raised as the coasters roll off in the snow and the sled is started up hill again.”

MORAL REFORM COUNCIL … The Moral Reform and Social Council met on Tuesday evening of this week, and adjourned to meet on Monday next, December 20th at 8:30 in the Presbyterian School room, when important matters will be discussed.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman

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