It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1909

It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1909

Week of September 23 - 29: Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives

Week of September 23 – 29: Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


NABBED … The following dispatch shows that a former employee of the Imperial Bank of Canada in this city has gotten into serious trouble by resorting to gambling in Victoria with two other companions: Victoria, B. C., Sept. 20.—Cecil P. Drake, 18; Harold M. Lewis, 17; and John D. Strong, 19, were arrested in New York at the request of the chief of police here, charged with the floating of fraudulent cheques. The two first named are clerks in the Imperial Bank here, and Strong was in the Merchants Bank. Lewis confessed to gambling, and Drake states he was disgruntled with his small salary, and passed the cheques to get even, stating that he expected to make good when he comes into an heritage. Strong denies absolutely passing the cheques, and states he has an account with the Merchants bank yet. It is understood friends will make good the money, but they will be brought back and required to face the magistrate.

CLUCK, CLUCK … Since the fair closed many chicken fanciers of this city are taking on new life. Several have sent away to various parts of Canada and the United States for prize stock and they say that next year Cranbrook will have a poultry show that will compare favorably with any city in the west. The poultrymen recognize that a fair such as was Cranbrook’s first, is the best advertisement in the world for their business.

FISH IN THE ST. MARY’S River … (By Joseph Ryan) The very name, St. Mary’s, is beautiful in itself and beautiful in its associations. It suggests quiet waters, wide and peaceful waters where the tall mountains and the great trees look on their unwrinkled shadows when the hush of the evening feels like a closing benediction bless­ing the breathless, dying day. You picture, somehow, the large-eyed deer coming down at quiet spots to drink before they seek their couches. With­out knowing that wonderful valley its name conjures up a place where Na­ture in her best mood takes us by the hand and lets us look a little closer into her eyes so that we, if we be philosophic, may recognize her as the calm, serene mother of our physical beings, the fount of our existence, our final resting place; and feeling that we are one with her even in her mightiest manifestations, thus teach us to have no dread of the end when the curtain of life rings down and the brain that thinks those thoughts will spiritually function on another and a higher plane. This sounds like pure Nature worship, but poor were the worshipper, indeed, could he not look deeper and bow down in humble adoration of the Omniscience of which Nature is but one form of expression. Calm is St. Mary’s lake and tran­quil the valley in summer. Deeper sinks the tranquility in the early autumn when the infant frosts first touch the larches and aspens to yel­low gold. Later on will come the heavy snows which in due time melting, will brim the river full and stir the lusty trout to moving in lake and stream. For the trout are there in plenty, and char, too, and all are of a lustiness and a fighting quality not to be surpassed in the world.

MINER’S INCH …The miner’s inch is a very indefinite quantity and varies greatly in different countries. According to Merriman the miner’s inch may be roughly defined as the quantity of water which will flow from a vertical standard orifice one inch square, when the head on the center of the orifice is 6 inches. This amount of water is approximately 1.53 cubic feet per minute. In California it varies from 1.20 to 1.76 cubic feet per minute. In Colorado the miner’s inch is equivalent to 1.5 cubic feet per minute. In British Columbia it is equal to 1.68 cubic feet per minute.

QUICK TIME … Mr. Griffiths, of the Adolph Lum­ber company, left Waldo at 6 p. m. Monday morning, and driving his magnificent pair of black beauties reached Cranbrook Monday evening with the horses in splendid condi­tion. He traveled approximately 60 miles in 13 hours, including stops.

NEW WATER AT MOYIE … When the work now under way on the dam of the Moyie Water company on Campbell creek is completed, Movie’s water system will have over one hundred pounds pressure. The cast iron gate is set in concrete, and a concrete wall six feet higher than the old dam will be built. The dam will consequently hold about six feet more of water and the pressure will be increased 15 or 20 pounds. This will give Moyie one of the very best water systems in the Kootenays.

MICHEL NEWS … The Michel brass band turned out Sunday evening and gave the residents here a taste of what they may expect when they have a few more instruments. They played in excellent time, and from the short practice they have had, they demonstrated their ability to toot their horns.

A PLEASANT SURPRISE … A number of the high school girls and other friends gave Miss Lillian Leask a pleasant surprise on Wednesday evening. Learning of her departure for Calgary College they invaded her home and passed a pleasant time. During the evening Miss Leask was presented with a traveling trunk, the gift of several of her friends.

DR. KING COMING HOME … Dr. J. H. King, M.P.P., will return to Cranbrook a week from next Saturday. He has been very industrious during his absence and he and Mrs. King have had a most delightful trip in the Old Country. He spent some six weeks in London, where he had the opportunity to work with some of the best surgeons of that metropolis, spending his time in the leading hospitals in London. After leaving London Dr. and Mrs. King went to Paris and then they went to Switzerland and from there to Venice. From Venice they went to Vienna, where the doctor took a course of four weeks with the leading surgeons of that city. After leaving Vienna the doctor went to Budapest to attend the World’s International Medical Congress. After that they returned to London by easy stages, visiting several points of interest on their way, and sailed on the 10th for Canada, arriving at Quebec on the 18th. From Quebec they went to Chipman, N. B., to visit with the home folks and from there they will come direct to Cranbrook.

MARRIAGE OF DR. MILES … Dr. F. B. Miles, the well-known dentist of this city, was united in marriage to Miss Gertrude Coulthard, only daughter of the late Dr. George Coulthard, of Fredericton, N. B., on September 18th. The many friends of Dr. Miles in this city will be pleased to extend their congratulations on the event.

CRANBROOK IS GROWING … Many New Buildings Going Up In This City. Work has been commenced upon the new Imperial Bank of Canada building, with George R. Leask in charge. The new building will be two stories with a concrete foundation finished with brick and sandstone trimmings. The lower story will be devoted to the banking offices and the upper story to the living rooms for the staff and office rooms for the solicitors for the bank. There will be three vaults in the building, one in the basement, one for the use of the bank and one in the office of the solicitors. Work is progressing as rapidly as possible and this building promises to be one of the best in Cranbrook. G. H. Thompson is going ahead with the building of his new residence at a rapid pace and will have one of the best on Baker Hill. D. J. Johnson has the contract. F. S. Rossiter’s new residence on Baker Hill is being pushed forward rapidly and will be one of the best in town. Thos. Christian’s new house near the Government building is nearly completed and will be a comfortable home. F. Russell, contractor for the new school house, which is going to prove a great ornament to the town, is pushing forward the work with all possible speed. The roof is on and lathers are busy on the inside work. When completed the Cranbrook school will be a credit to the city and the citizens. Contractor Johnston will break ground tomorrow for the new Masonic temple, a building that will cost about $10,000, and will be a credit to the city of Cranbrook. Nothing will be left undone to make this building, both in appearance and equipment, one of the best in British Columbia.

LOST … Frank Angers returned this week from a hunting trip on the Yahk river. Mr. Angers got lost in burning timber and for four days he and his companion were without food in their journey from Yahk to Waldo, nearly starved to death.

GOOD BARKEEPS … The hotels of Cranbrook are to be complimented upon the fact that they adhere very strictly to the rule not to sell intoxicants to the people who are the worse for liquor. This is most commendable on the part of the hotel men and they are deserving of credit for the same.

MAIL COMPLAINTS … It is evident that there are grounds for complaint in regard to the mail arrangements between Vancouver and Cranbrook. Under the present system the mail goes through by Medicine Hat on the main line and is then returned to Cranbrook twenty-four hours later than it would if it came by the way of Revelstoke and the lakes. This is due to the fact that the train leaves Revelstoke for the south about an hour before the train on the main line carrying the mail reaches that point. Nelson suffers the same as Cranbrook in his respect and it is time some action should be taken to improve existing conditions.

INDOLENCE AND HOME … Indolence is an enemy to home. Some men are too lazy to provide decent conveniences at home. It is a crime against the happiness of the home for a man to neglect to provide the little conveniences that will add to the beauty and comfort of the home. Say brother, take out that old mildewed pillow and put in a pane of glass, it is too painful as it is. Climb up and put the bricks on the chimney where the storm of last winter blew them off. Put a carpet on the floor and a few pictures on the wall. Put some good books on the shelves, and give your family a paper or two to read. Study to make yourself useful, and to rob home of its bleakness, by providing things that add to its comfort and brightness. Make the children feel that home is a Paradise in which the thrushes of love ever sing high up in the clear blue sky of the humble heart and you will have no fear of turning out thieves and harlots in years to come.

FUTURE GRASS … A number of the Norbury avenue residents have decided to grade and seed the boulevards in front of their properties when the curbs are placed by the city.

KEEP IT QUIET … It is a mistake to blow the fire whistle for practice, as many people are badly frightened, especially the ladies of the town.

MOYIE NOT KICKING … Moyie’s ball team played in rather hard luck in Cranbrook on the 14th and 15th. The first day’s game was in Cranbrook’s favor, 3 to 1, and the second day’s game 5 to 4. But it was nothing to Cranbrook’s credit that she won, for she was all loaded and primed for the battle that was to come. Cranbrook knew she had the crack team of the Kootenay to beat, and beat it she must, even if it did cost them money to do so. Some of the best players in the Western Canada league and other outsiders were sent for. Even the umpire was imported from somewhere up north, where he probably had more to do with Eskimos than with white men. But even with a team made up largely of professionals, Moyie held the scores so close that Cranbrook has nothing to boast of. However, the Moyie boys are not kicking. They usually win, and when they happen to lose a game they don’t holler their heads off. They will tell you that Ernie Small, the Cranbrook manager, is one of the best sports they ever met, and that it really pleased them to go up against a team that tested their metal. The Moyie team has had almost a record breaking season. Out of the sixteen games played so far it has lost but three. Of the sixteen games Ray Crissler pitched all but two, and Harold Grady was the catcher for all of them. The other players were equally steady, and there has never been a disagreement among them. The Moyie team will play at Nelson on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th, in a tournament that has been arranged for the Moyie, Nelson, Revelstoke and Phoenix nines.

Cranbrook Townsman

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