It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1910/11

It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1910/11

The week of January 28 - February 3

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Cranbrook high school … Miss Crandal, BA Teacher, School opened January 10th. Pupils will be received at any time on application to the Board of School Trustees. S. H. Hoskins, Secretary

Sullivan mine … The Sullivan mine at Kimberley has shipped quite a number of cars of ore to Trail smelter, it being ore that was in bins taken out before the mine shut down. New machinery has been installed and they are getting in shape to resume operations. At present about 12 miners are employed. Reports say that they have uncovered a quantity of good ore carrying excellent values. The C.P.R. B. & B. crew is repairing the trestles between here and Kimberley, getting ready for next season’s traffic.

Restricted District restrictions … In Revelstoke authorities allow no “restricted district” professionals to walk on their sidewalks. Such are restricted to the middle of the road. Nelson has ordered all signs and lights of these outcasts down and out. Woodstock, Ont., with 8,000 people, tolerates no “restricted district.” Recently the police discovered a bawdy house and promptly raided it, arresting both visitors and occupants.

High class shows … High class acting and a blending of healthy humor, free from maudlin sentiment, will be the kind of attractions the splendid Eckhardt company will present during their three nights engagement at the opera house in this city, commencing Thursday night, February 10. Reserved seats can be secured at Beattie & Atchison’s. Prices: 25c., 35c. and 50c.

Student increase … An increase of five in the high school attendance is to be noted in the returns for the past month. The school trustees are energetically prosecuting efforts to secure an increased attendance and their efforts are meeting with success.

Dropped charge … The Board of School Trustees this week had to answer to a summons issued against them by T. Drummond, charging them with failure to employ a certified engineer to take charge of the public school boilers. When the case was called, counsel for the trustees was present, but the complainant failed to put in an appearance, consequently Judge Ryan dismissed it with costs against Drummond. Ed. Hawkins, who is duly qualified, is at present filling the position of engineer at the public school.

Maple sugar carnival … The second annual Maple Sugar carnival will be held in the gym on Wednesday, February 16th. A men’s concert will be given in the Methodist church previous to the serving of the sugar on snow. Pickles and doughnuts will be the trimmings, and those who were fortunate enough to be present last year will remember the occasion and doubtless again be present. Experts from Quebec will boil the sugar, which has arrived from the east for this occasion. Keep the date open — February 16th.


Men attacked … T. Shinamoto, a Japanese employee of the Futa Lumber Co., got on the war path on Sunday night, and was willing to fight a man, dog or anything that wore fur. It was about 12 o’clock when Mr. A. Clarke and Mr. Watson were returning home, when they met the man, who crowded between them, and commenced kicking a dog owned by Clarke, who remonstrated and asked him what was the matter with him. He immediately attacked the men. Clarke in pushing him away got his finger in the man’s mouth injuring it severely. Clarke and his friend went into a restaurant and has his finger dressed, and on leaving the restaurant discovered the Japanese in waiting, who immediately again attacked the men. Clarke pushed him down, saying what is the matter John? On rising the man went for Clarke with a knife, slashing him in the face, making a cut several inches in length. While the wound is not as serious as it might have been, Clarke will be disfigured for life. The man was arrested, and elected to be tried before Judge Ryan, and on pleading guilty, was sentenced to 18 months is Nelson jail.

Y.M.C.A. News … Repairs have been commenced on the building and in all probability the formal opening will take place about February 16th, as it is expected that every part of the building will then be ready for use. At the time of the formal opening it is expected that every Y.M.C.A. secretary between Winnipeg and the coast will be present, including International Secretary Dudley, of Montreal, and others. Since the building was informally opened last Thursday about twenty membership tickets have been issued, and the bowling alleys have come in for a good share of business, the highest score so far having been made by Robert Brown, viz: 202.

C.P.R. Accident … Bruce Cully, C.P.R. yard foreman, met with a serious accident at 6.25 this a.m., costing him the loss of his left arm. Cully was riding on the side of a car in the yard, when he came in contact with an obstacle of some kind on another car, running in the opposite direction on a parallel track. He was knocked off and run over. On being removed to the hospital it was found necessary to amputate the left arm just below the shoulder. Late this afternoon Mr. Cully was reported to be resting easily.

Heavy snowfall … Railroad traffic has been more or less disorganized throughout the past week. The excessively heavy snowfall and strong winds nave been the chief causes of the delays in the arrival of all trains from the east. During the early part of the week the blockade was between Macleod and Lethbridge. When that was cleared away, heavy winds caused another snow blockade between Hosmer and Fernie, with which the snow plows and extra gangs are now grappling. Trains east and west are all behind time to day, and it is doubtful if there will be anything in from the east before a late hour tonight.

Opera practice … The Cranbrook Amateur Operatic society was inaugurated last evening, with R. T. Brymner as president and D. J. McSweyn as secretary-treasurer. It is proposed to give a production of the Geisha at an early date, probably about the middle of April, rehearsals for which are already under way. The Geisha is a well-known, extremely pretty and tuneful comic opera and with the local talent available it is anticipated that a really good production can be assured, under the musical direction and stage management of Mr. Geo. D. Ingram. It is intended to arrange for a chorus of fifty voices and an orchestra of seven pieces, made up of the following: Mr. Gerrard, the new manager of the Opera house, violin, Mrs. Wallinger, violin, W. H. Wilson, trombone, Mr. Pratt, cornet, Mr. Grenier, drums, Mr. Benedict, flute, and Mrs. Ira Manning, piano. Whilst the principal characters have not been finally assigned as yet, it is anticipated that both Mrs. A. B. Macdonald and Mrs. Paterson will take leading parts.

Fruit land … The Kootenay Fruit Land and Development company, which owns 1200 acres of fruitland near here, has a force of men at work clearing the land. Wm. Birtch, who is in charge, is well satisfied with the progress of the work. The land is beautifully situated between Kootenay river and Hanson lake. Although it is not yet placed on the market a number of lots have already been sold.

Wasa news … N. Hanson has two teams on the road freighting from Cranbrook for his store. He is laying in a large stock of general merchandise, anticipating a brisk business this coming summer. He is planning to erect a good sized cold storage plant, which will enable him to keep perishable goods through the warm weather.

Accident prepardness … While it is often impossible to prevent an accident, it is never impossible to be prepared. It is not beyond anyone’s purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like injuries. Sold by all druggists and dealers.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman

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