It happened this week in Cranbrook:1912

It happened this week in Cranbrook:1912

April 7-13: Compiled by Dave Humphrey from the newspapers at the Cranbrook History Centre & Archives

April 7-13: Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Good bye Dave … The Herald regrets to announce that Dave Elmer, known far and wide throughout the Kootenays, as the representative of that popular cigar, “El Doro,” finds it incumbent upon him, for business reasons, to take up residence in Vancouver.

Dave is among the old time residents of Cranbrook. He has always been among the bunch of genuine boosters and will remain so.

Business reasons alone influence his departure — Mr. Elmer was never more in love with Cranbrook than he is today.

Mrs. Elmer and the children will not be leaving before June.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Elmer sincerely regret severing their connection with Cranbrook friends. They have lived here many years, formed many friendships and have always met with the kindliest treatment.

Mr. Elmer will be leaving for the coast next week, but will be back to move his family to Vancouver in June.

Dave will carry with him to Vancouver the hearty good wishes of every Cranbrook citizen for his future prosperity.

He is a hustler wherever he may be and will get there in good shape.

New architects … In the rooms, formerly occupied by Mr. R. B. Benedict, in the Hanson block, are now located the offices of a new firm of architects, J. J. O’Gara and Co., of Calgary.

Mr. F. O’Gara, also from Calgary, is the resident manager of the firm. Mr. J. J. O’Gara is well known locally having for some time past been engaged on work in this city.

Mr. O’Gara is a thoroughly practical architect and supervisor of building operations. He has recently had charge of the erection of the Pryce-Jones building in Calgary, one of the biggest business blocks in that, growing city.

He was for years associated with some of the lending firms of architects in London, England, and comes to Cranbrook highly recommended as a good all round man in his business.

Mr. O’Gara will move his family here as soon as he can secure a house.

The Herald man, upon entering the architect’s office, was struck by a handsome photograph of a church, which, upon enquiry, he ascertained to be a sketch of the proposed new Roman Catholic church to be erected in this city in the course of the next few months. Messrs. O’Gara and Co. are now at work on the preliminary sketches of the new church, which it is proposed to have built of brick and stone, or glazed terracotta.

The new church will have a seating capacity of some six hundred, and when completed will present a very handsome and attractive addition to the public structures of the city.

Messrs. O’Gara and Co. have also in course of preparation plans for a modern house for Mr. R. Bevan, of Creston, to cost in the neighborhood of $5,000.

Slaterville’s brewery … Messrs. Mueller and Hesse, have made, a start on the erection of their brewery, W. E. Worden commencing excavation work on the site, back of Wm. Slater’s residence, this week.

Mr. Mueller was up from Moyie this week, superintending the initial oper­ations. The brewery is to be built inside of three months, Messrs. Christian and Jones, having the contract for its erection, and will commence operations directly the excavation work is completed.

Mr. Mueller, a well-known brewer, with many years’ experience in the business in this province, having been engaged in the business in Phoenix, Greenwood, Rossland, Fernie and latterly at Moyie, is well pleased with the prospects here. He is deter­mined to provide a thoroughly up-to-date brewery and to turn out a beer that will satisfy the most criti­cal.

The new brewery will have a capacity of fifty barrels per diem, and will give employment to from 12 to 15 men from the outset.

Boy Scouts … The Boy Scout movement, whilst it is spreading all over the empire, does not appear to have made any partic­ular impression hereabouts. This to be regretted as it would provide excellent amusement, of the very best description, tor the youngsters.

Mr. J. P. Leslie, who is greatly in­terested in this movement, and who receives regularly copies of “The Scout,” an English publication de­voted to the Boy Scout movement, has shown The Herald several copies of this really excellent little maga­zine, that cannot fail to interest all real boys.

Mr. Leslie is very anx­ious to see a corps formed here and will gladly co-operate with any oth­ers so minded.

Rector of Fort Steele … Rev. V. T. Macy, the new rector of Fort Steele, arrived in town from England on Tuesday night. At the time he left England, Rev. Mr. Macy was curate of Blacknell, Bucks. Prior to that he had been vicar of St. Luke’s, Enfield, north of London, for several years.

Mr. Macy is accompanied by his wife and two daughters, also by a Miss Williamson, a friend of the family, who will remain with them for a time.

Mr. Macy goes over to Fort Steele today to secure a residence and will commence work immediately.

Plans for new schools … J. J. O’Gara and Co., architects, are at present engaged in preparing plans for the two new school build­ings to be erected within the city limits. One of these is the manual training school, which is to be a solid brick structure, 50×30 feet, 14 feet, from floor to ceiling, containing two good sized class rooms, which will be located close to the present, public school building.

Reward … $25 reward will be paid for conviction of the party or parties who have removed the doors and windows from the mill and buildings, the property of the North Star Lumber mill, on Hospital creek.

Charged … George E. Miller, a conductor, and Ole R. Sykes, a brakeman, both in the employ of the C. P. R. were brought before Magistrate Ryan on Tuesday last on the information of William Ashland, one of the detective constables engaged by the company, charged with having stolen a box of butter out of one of the freight cars of the train under the charge of Miller.

It appears that there had been a long series of complaints of breakages and thefts of goods between Crows Nest and Cranbrook, in consequence of which Mr. Ashland boarded Miller’s train at Elko and when he arrived at Morrissey found this box of butter in Miller’s caboose.

On being charged with the theft both Miller and Sykes, the brakeman, confessed to the charge and were placed under arrest.

On being charged before the magistrate both pleaded guilty.

Formal evidence of the discovery of the theft and the confession of the accused having been given, the magistrate said there could be no possible excuse for a man in the position of Miller. He was entrusted by the company with hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of value and he should be the last man to betray that trust. A conductor should be as slow to acts of this kind as the captain of a ship in breaking the bulk of the cargo under his charge.

He knew Miller, he said, for years, and though he looked on him as a foolish kind of fellow he never thought he would be guilty of such petty larceny thievery. He could not do less than sentence both him and his companion to three months’ imprisonment with hard labor in Nelson jail.

Miller sometimes acted as spare passenger conductor and was in the direct line of advancement. He held a contract with the C.P.R. where under that company agreed to give him employment during his life to consideration of his foregoing his right to take action against them in respect of some injury he sustained in their service some six or seven years ago.

It is thought that all benefit under this agreement is cancelled by conviction of theft.

Lacrosse … There is a possibility of there be­ing no lacrosse match on Victoria Day. This will be entirely due to the stupidity of the firm from whom the local players, as far back as April 27th, ordered an outfit of sticks.

The Nelson boys were agree­able to playing here on May 24th, but as our boys have had no oppor­tunity for a proper practice it is considered inadvisable to invite the Nelson players here for the date ori­ginally fixed.

However, word has been received that the sticks will arrive in the course of a few days and the local players hope to make a fresh date with Nelson in June.

In the mean­time Nelson has challenged Cranbrook to play there on July 1st. The boys will be on hand and expect to give a good account of themselves.

A great deal of interest is be­ing taken in lacrosse this season and once the sticks arrive and our boys are able to get down to regular practices, Cranbrook will speedily have in the field something pretty hard to beat in the shape of a lacrosse team.

Tennis … The annual general meeting of the Cranbrook Tennis club was held at the Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday night. The report of the past year was read, which proved that the club was in a good financial position. Be­fore the new officers were elected for the present season votes of thanks were passed the retiring officers, special mention being made of the ladies committee.

Auto scene … The Cranbrook Jobbers have pur­chased a small automobile for the use of their travelling men. Dr. F. W. Green is importing a new seven seated car, a No. 13 Oakland, order­ed through the Kootenay Garage Co.

Elko news … The Columbia hotel is being en­larged. Contractor J. Easton commenced Monday morning and says when completed the improvements will make the old building look like an April fool. Spuds are so expensive in the east that some of the leading hotels are serving them for dessert. On the Great Northern dining cars the Tobacco Plains spuds command the highest price on the bill of high liv­ing. Elko is where you leave the C.P.R. for Tobacco Plains. No, we don’t publish all the news around Elko and there are some people who are mighty glad we don’t.

Good farm lands … Copy of letter from Herbert H. McClure, farmer, of Cranbrook, B.C.

“President Board of Trade. Dear Sir: In respect to your request re our experience since coming to Cranbrook, I would say that after having looked over considerable of the fruit growing sections of the province we came to the conclusion that Cranbrook suited us better than anywhere else.

In the first place we have here much more nice level workable land than in most places, then clearing can be done quite cheaply. I have had no trouble to get land ready for the plow at $56.00 per acre.

The soil is of the very best quality and there is such a depth of it that with proper cultivation there is no need for irrigation.

We have set out about eight acres of apple trees and are well pleased with the way they have done.

We have several acres of strawberries which promise to be a splendid crop.

All kinds of grain do well, but I think that alfalfa will be one of the best paying crops. I put in fifty acres this spring and it is looking fine.

If you wish a proof as to the desirableness of our climate would say that we gathered several sacks of good sound potatoes this spring which had been in the ground all winter.

Yours truly, Herbert H. McClure.”

Knights of Columbus … Upwards of three hundred ladies and gentlemen were the guests of the Knights of Columbus at a particularly enjoyable and well managed ball in the Auditorium, on Easter Monday evening.

The Knights had spared neither time, trouble, nor expense to ensure the enjoyment and comfort of their numerous guests and they certainly succeeded beyond even their own highest expectations.

In the first place a new hard wood floor had been laid down for the occasion, which very materially improved the dancing, besides providing considerable additional floor space; the Guerard orchestra was in attendance and provided the very best of music; the hall was tastefully and prettily decorated and a number of obliging stewards saw to it that every guest had ample opportunity to dance.

From midnight on until the early morning hours a delightful supper was served, to which, needless to say, ample justice was done.

Cranbrook Townsman

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