It shouldn’t be left to the U.S.


The situation in Syria is totally inhuman, appalling and totally unacceptable.


The situation in Syria is totally inhuman, appalling and totally unacceptable.

The inhumanity, the suffering everywhere and the deplorable life conditions is beyond understanding.

What I don’t understand is this. Doesn’t anyone in the Middle East – such as Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, to name a few – feel it is their duty to intervene and try to obtain justice for these beleaguered, suffering individuals? Do they not feel a responsibility and offer aid?

Why, in these situations, is it always the United States who comes forward? And why should they? Wasn’t Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan enough? Must it go on ad infinitum?

I pray a reasonable solution and end to this incomprehensible situation is close at hand.

M. Downey, White Rock



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