It takes a village

Thank you to all who rally behind the Gazette Hamper Fund each year.

The Gazette Hamper Fund topped $24,000 in donations early this week and is ticking ever closer to our ultimate goal of $30,000.

And that’s in addition to the thousands of pounds of food and toys that have been donated to assist needy local families this Christmas season.

But a benefit like the Gazette Hamper Fund, now in its 34th year, does not happen automatically. It takes everybody pulling together.

Witness the long-running Hamper Fund campaign in Campbell River, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and helping families in that community for more than 40 years.

In last week’s edition of the Courier-Islander newspaper, a photo showed a KoC organizer in a huge warehouse room startlingly devoid of toys or food.

Less than two weeks before hampers were due to be delivered to residents, the Knights said only about 15 per cent of needed donation had arrived.

Part of the problem appears to have stemmed from a rival food collection benefit, and residents might not have realized the two collections are unrelated.

We’re not patting our own back for the success of the Gazette Hamper Fund. Sure, we have the benefit of our own media to share the word.

But all of you, our North Island neighbours, have responded to that word. And for that, we offer our thanks. Well done.


North Island Gazette