It takes courage to change

Re: All that sparkle comes at a cost (PNR Jan. 26). People have talked for years how we wished Sidney was a vibrant and viable town with amenities that suited young and old. When I read about Mayor Larry Cross’ vision, I was pleased that finally a mayor wants to try and make our town bright, lively and bustling with business. Friends laughingly say Sidney is basically the same since they were kids. Unfortunately people from my generation who are busy working and raising families don’t often make their voices heard.

Re: All that sparkle comes at a cost (PNR Jan. 26). People have talked for years how we wished Sidney was a vibrant and viable town with amenities that suited young and old. When I read about Mayor Larry Cross’ vision, I was pleased that finally a mayor wants to try and make our town bright, lively and bustling with business. Friends laughingly say Sidney is basically the same since they were kids. Unfortunately people from my generation who are busy working and raising families don’t often make their voices heard.

The problem with the mind-set of some citizens is the idea of change and what that brings. People are afraid of change but emotion and fear have to put aside for the needs of the whole community and not just a segment of it. No one wants to see Sidney become tired and rundown but a town that everyone’s proud of and benefits from.

Out of towners say how beautiful Sidney is but, ‘it’s missing something’. Well that something is the sparkle mayor Cross is talking about.

People worry about big box companies coming in and that small businesses will suffer. As stated, they actually helped boost Langford’s economy and business base.

Businesses reinvent themselves every so often otherwise people will stop coming. I believe towns are the same; you have to keep up with the times or get left behind. To make this vision a reality, where will the cash come from? From a big name sugar daddy as the only investments I see are in housing.

There lies another problem; some citizens will fight to the bitter end to make sure there aren’t any changes. I hope not, but remember the water slide fight? Those opponents also had doom and gloom scenarios, yet here we are and everything is just fine.

It takes courage to make changes that will benefit a community and I hope mayor Cross stands by his vision along with his council. I applaud him for standing up and saying what others before him were afraid to. We have such a beautiful town with potential to be vibrant and relevant.

C.V. Porcella,


Peninsula News Review