It was close, but slugs beat hugs 6-5

It was close, but slugs beat hugs 6-5

It was a good week for voicing complaints in the Hugs and Slugs section.

HUGS: To the driver on Baker Street who stopped for the pigeon walking across the crosswalk, even though the pigeon crossed on a red light. I wonder if he was going to BCAA for flight insurance.

HUGS: Big warm hugs to my son’s new teacher. Despite a rough start to the school year, and very little prep time, you hit the ground running and have bent over backwards to help my special needs son transition back into the public school system. — A grateful parent

HUGS: To the wonderful artists behind the Willow Street mural. It brings so much colour to the neighbourhood and a smile to our faces.

SLUGS: To the group of students that continually litter the local creek with beer cans, light fires, yell and scream into the wee hours, and carry on as if that beautiful area were their own private sanctuary. I guess we need to ‘call in the fuzz’. You and your acts of entitlement are not missed from June to September. — A concerned local

HUGS: To BC Transit for finally posting bus schedules at those lovely bus shelters along the North Shore. It should improve ridership for occasional riders to know what time the bus is coming.

SLUGS: Slugs to the lady at the gas pump on Sunday that raced us to the spot we were already pulled into.  I went to prepay for gas then I turned around, and you were in the middle of the through road, forcing me to block myself in front of the gas pump as you tried to weasel your way in there. We were just out as a family trying to enjoy our one day a week together.

SLUGS: To the woman in the busy supermarket lineup who called me a “typical male” after I’d joked about how long I’d waited. May you meet some men in your near future who will cure that bias in you, and make you feel more open-minded about the gender you apparently dislike at the moment.

HUGS: To the amazing young man at the gas station who changed my blown out tire on a dark and rainy night after his shift had already ended. He ensured it was safe, told stories and whistled while he worked.  Who said chivalry is dead?

SLUGS: To all those who drop off their garbage in the Blewett bus shelter and then claim they’re saving the environment by calling it Trash to Treasure. Recycle responsibly, please.

SLUGS: To drivers who pass on the double yellow lines because they don’t leave early enough to get where they are going safely. I have witnessed this several times on Highway 6 even though the traffic is moving at a reasonable speed.

SLUGS: To the people who come on to my rural property and steal my mushrooms. Seriously, what are you thinking?  Have you no morals?  This is theft! At least you could have the decency to come and knock on my door and ask if it is OK. Think about it this way: Do you keep a garden?  How would you like it if I found out where you lived and came and helped myself to your produce?  My only consolation is that the mushrooms are worthless. Check them out, full of worms.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star